Friday, January 20, 2012

The ABC Five Factors Needed in a Healthy Marriage

I am starting a new series here for the coming six months called the "ABC Five Factors".  Each week I will focus on five aspects needed in a healthy marriage. The first week is "A" words, second week is "B" words, etc. So let's get started!
The "A's" Have It!
In marriage we need to adjust to situations and challenges together in unity, and reconcile differences. This does not mean that one becomes a doormat. When you adapt together a deeper understanding of each other and yourself becomes evident. Understand how each of you usually respond to stress and difficult situations, and be a helper to one another. When one is feeling weak, the other lifts them up.
Become an active student of your mate and your relationship. Learn their love language and use it to enhance your relationship. Continue your education in marriage by taking a weekend marriage retreat, read relationship books, ask questions! In other words, know what makes each of you unique.
Be loving and devoted. Let it show in your action and words. Use all five senses to the best advantage that your mate enjoys. Never allow mediocrity to seep into your marriage.
Always be kind toward one another especially during times. If you are experiencing a disagreement , you don't need to be disagreeable. Remember to speak respectfully and in a calm voice. Words said in anger can be forgiven but are rarely forgotten.
You are a team, each other's best supporter and confidant. A word of caution here;  Define the boundaries of how much and what you both feel is to be kept to yourselves. Never confide what should be kept between just the two of you with a "friend".
 Grasp the strength of your unity and celebrate the wonderful blessings of loving each other.