Thursday, October 28, 2010

Focus Thought

The failure to distinguish between knowledge and wisdom is a common error.
Seven Focus Thoughts
 Several years ago I came up with the grand idea of focusing on one main thought per day of the week.  The assumption was that each day I would allow this focus thought to lead me in my choices on that given day. Sounded like a great idea, but life has a way of turning grand ideas into misguided and confusing “tidbits” that are often forgotten in the realm of reality.
I had proudly printed the Focus Thoughts onto a magnet and placed it among the overflowing memorabilia already taking up residence on our refrigerator front.
And I did “focus” on them diligently, well at least for a few months anyway. Then somehow the focus thoughts became occasional thoughts when I would glance at them once in awhile amid the myriad of outdated notes, phone numbers, pictures and everything else that ends up on the giant family billboard (aka fridge).
But then one day I realized that I wasn’t just happening to glance at the focus list. I was looking and searching for the one I needed the most for where I was at in my walk of faith. The time I spent grasping one focus thought had a lot to do with what was going on in our lives. 
And that is how it always seems to be.  We want our lives in nice organized little snippets of time and order.  But God doesn’t. If our lives always went the way we planned, why would we need to drop to our knees and humbly seek answers from our Father?
I admit to having strong tendencies toward being an organizing idiot. My family believes I struggle with OCD. Of course they think in my case it is more CDO as I insist on everything being in alphabetical order. Needless to say, I don’t always get my way. God plans always seem to differ from mine. 
But I have found the focus thoughts have been a big help to me, albeit not quite the way I had intended.  So now instead of a “daily” thought, they are more a “guiding” thought. They help me to stay focused on God, not the challenges. And they now have a more prominent, more accessible position on the family fridge billboard. Now they are right near the handle! 
1.      God will take care of all things beyond my control.
2.      Receive unexpected gifts a day brings.
3.      Listen for God’s wisdom in every situation.
4.      Look for the lesson.
5.      Be flexible.
6.      God works all things together for good to those who love Him.
7.      Each person I meet, God has sent into my life.

Family Focus
As you start planning for the coming holidays, try to set aside times to re-connect as a family in fun ways.  Ask everyone for their input on what they would like to do as a family.

Week’s Verse
Psalm 33:5
The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
Weekly Website
This website is a wonderful organizing tool for busy families. It can help simplify your life calendar, tips, lists, journal, and mobile access. I love the reminder pop-ups and the family journaling that you can share with family and friends.

Weekly Recipe
El Dorado
1 bag tortilla chips
1 lb. gd. Beef
1 med. Onion, chopped
1 tsp. minced garlic
½ pkg. taco seasoning
2 8oz. cans tomato sauce
1 cup ricotta
1 cup sour cream
1 can sliced olives
1 can diced green chilies
2 cups grated cheddar

Brown beef; drain. Add onion, garlic, taco seasoning, and tomato sauce. Mix well, simmer 10 minutes. In bowl mix together ricotta, sour cream, olives, and green chilies. Crush tortilla chips and place in bottom of greased casserole dish. Leave about ½ cup of crushed chips for top of casserole. Top with meat mixture, ricotta mixture, and then cheese. Top with remaining crushed chips. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes. Top with shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes if desired before serving.
Weekly Book
The Household Money Organizer by Revell Books
This is a wonderful budgeting (nasty word to some) tool from a Christian perspective.  Not only does it have monthly pockets, it also has a monthly article pertaining to finances, places to write monthly goals, and inspiring scripture verses. This book can be very helpful.

Couple Time
Remember the list of date ideas from a few weeks ago?  Pick one you would like to do but with this little twist.  Involve at least 5 aspects of the date with items starting with the first letter of your last name. For example in our case we might use something French, frozen yogurt, fooling around, etc. you get the idea!
Couple Question!
Share a Halloween memory from your childhood. Talk about how it made you feel.
Concerns & Celebrations
Concern-  We lost our beloved dog this weekend. She was 17, and our remaining dog is very sad.  He refuses to eat.
 Celebration- We are having twins! They are due on Feb. 3rd. JR
Concern- Waiting on biopsy results and praying that cancer has not returned.
Do you have a concern or celebration to share?  Let me know and I will include it. I keep them anonymous unless you request your name be included.
Kid’s Classics
 When our granddaughter was two, she was learning to color. One day she found a black permanent marker and proceeded to color her parents white Egyptian sheets.  Guess she thought it was to be her masterpiece!
Holiday Traditions
One of our favorite Christmas traditions is the Jesus Stocking.
This is a very special Christmas stocking for Jesus. You can make one or purchase one to add the following items to it.

Three stars represent the three wise men and the trinity. An angel is of course the one that spoke to Mary, Joseph and the shepherds. Three diagonal rows of ribbon represent the past, present and future with God in our lives. And four roses are for each week of Advent.

 The idea is to fill the stocking with prayers and thoughts of what Christmas means to you, your loved ones, and guests to your home during the holiday season.

 Hang the stocking up on Thanksgiving Day. Then all family members and guests put folded notes of prayer requests or Christmas thoughts into the stocking. They are usually anonymous, but can be signed if desired.
 On Christmas Eve, gather the family together to read the story of the Savior’s birth; light the candle and say a blessing. Then pass out the folded notes and take turns reading them out loud. When all the notes have been read, everyone shares in a round table prayer for what has been shared. Then sing Silent Night or a family favorite Christmas carol. The youngest child usually blows out the candle.
When the stocking is brought out the following Thanksgiving; read the notes again to see how God has answered the prayers. The prayer notes can then be kept with other Christmas mementos if desired. It is great to look back at them again from time to time.
This is a wonderful way to keep focused on Jesus instead of the material aspects of the season. It also serves as an excellent way to show children that God does answer our   prayers.
Comments Corner
I would like us to share Christmas holiday ideas and traditions over the next few months.  Please send yours to the email listed below and I will include them!

Comments and suggestions are welcomed here! Let me know what you think or what you would like to share!  E-mail is
Have a blessed week everyone!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Focus Thought

The strength of a relationship is not measured by the good times.  How a couple responds to great challenges define a relationship.
            When we walked down the marriage aisle thirty seven years ago, we were filled with high hopes and dreams of what we thought life would bring.  Of course we weren’t thinking of major challenges at the time. We expected some difficult times, like losing a parent, moving, job changes, etc.   Never did we think we would experience the loss of a child, infertility issues, or my becoming paralyzed.
            It has been in the trenches of disappoint-ments and in the valleys of despair, where our fortress of love has been forged with the strength of our commitment to each other.  It is how we respond to the challenge itself and to each other during difficult times that define the depth of our relationship.  Life has melded us to be a unity of trust, faith, and completeness. One is strong when the other is weak, wise when one is foolish and calm when one is a storm.
            Typically a person will react to stress or challenges in various ways.  They may become argumentive, clam up, run away, or want to talk a lot about it, act out in anger or experience depression.  Become a student of your mate (and yourself) to be aware of how you each react to challenges.
            When we lost our infant daughter, my husband thought it would hurt me too much to talk about it, so he never spoke about her to me.  But in reality, I needed to talk about Michelle and his silence sent the wrong message to me. I thought he didn’t care.  So I buried my pain.  Healing cannot begin if one holds onto the pain or regrets.  We eventually were able to open up to each other and truly help each other to journey through the grief process together. 
If you are going through a challenging time, I hope you may find the following suggestions beneficial.
1.      Communicate openly. Acknowledge each person reacts differently. Allow it, but share it.  Under no circumstances though, is physical or verbal abuse acceptable.
2.      Don’t bury feelings. Things hidden under a rock are still there.
3.      Touch- share physical contact. Hold hands, hold  each other.
4.      Pray together, try journaling to each other and/or for yourself.
5.      Give each other time, not judgment. There is no time table for grief.
6.      Take time to be a couple.  Not a grieving couple, just a couple.  It’s okay to enjoy each other and life.
7.      Realize you need to help each other. Friends and family may try to understand and be helpful.  Unless they have experienced the same thing, they may say or do the wrong thing unintentionally. 
8.      Seek help if needed.  Consider counseling or join a group with other people experiencing the same challenge. 

When a couple helps each other through a challenging time, they develop a deeper sense of companionship and commitment to one another.  It is grounded in a deep trust, nurtured in faith, and shared in completeness.
Family Focus
Autumn is a wonderful time for a family walk.  Help your children or grandchildren notice all the different changes. Involve all five senses- sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. What changes? What stays the same? Create a family fall tradition such as making a collage of what the children collected on the walk, play in a pile of leaves, have children sort through their things to donate gently used items, or share a special treat like homemade hot chocolate.
Week’s Verse
Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Weekly Recipe
Pumpkin Butter
1 can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
1 cup applesauce
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
¾ tsp. ground ginger
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
½ tsp. ground nutmeg
Stir all ingredients in heavy saucepan until blended. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring often.  Reduce heat to low and simmer uncovered, stirring often to prevent scorching, 30 minutes or until thickened. Cool, spoon into container, cover and refrigerate.  Great on toast, pancakes or with fruit.
Weekly Websites  and   These websites are wonderful. Sign up for their daily e-mail. Awesome ideas and thought provoking articles.
Weekly Book
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  This book has been out for a long time but is at the top of my “must read” list.  If you have never read it, read it soon. If you have read it, read it again!
Couple Time
Journal to each other! Buy a nice leather bound journal book as this is something you will want to last a lifetime. Take turns writing in it to each other. I usually write in ours during the day, and then leave it on John’s pillow.  John writes in it in the morning, and leaves it on the table for me.  I can’t tell you how much I look forward to what he has to share with me!  The point is to get past the fluff and learn to really share on a deeper level with your loved one. Your journals will become a treasure to both of you.
Couple Question!
What is the hardest emotion for you to share? Why?
Concerns & Celebrations
Concern- Please pray for a friend who is dealing with serious health issues and in need of an organ transplant.
Celebration- Congrats to Annie Stevens on the publishing of her first book, “Out of the Miry Clay”!
Celebration- to Marion Barnes on her first published book too, “Life Without a Bellybutton”!
Concern- A friend is in the final stages of Leukemia. Please pray for her and her family.
Do you have a concern or celebration to share?  Let me know and I will include it. I keep them anonymous unless you request your name be included.
Kid’s Classics
When I was very pregnant with twins, I had a dental appointment.  A little boy stared at my belly and asked “Are you gonna get that pulled out too?”
Comments Corner
Comments and suggestions are really welcomed here! Let me know what you think or what you would like to share!  E-mail is
Have a blessed week!


Focus Thought

Inner Beauty is evident in the shining eyes of compassion, a smile of understanding, and the tender touch of love.
            There is nothing more important in my life than my marriage and my relationship with my husband. As I was thinking what homemade “gift of the heart” to give John this year, I thought back on the one I gave him last year.  I was beginning to feel “Us” slipping into a mediocre routine of just daily life and not giving our relationship the quality and intensity it deserved.  It’s easy for this to happen in marriage, but mediocrity must be fought diligently to keep one’s marriage alive.
            So I gave the gift of the “Fruits of the Spirit” from Galatians 5:22-23.  I focused intentionally this year on giving John my first fruits in my actions, thoughts, and feelings toward him.  How does one do this? Let me break it down by each “spirit”.
Love: Show love in daily actions, not merely saying the words. What actions best convey your love to your mate?  Do you do things for them that really make them feel loved and fills their love tank?
Joy: Are you of good nature and a joy to be around? Do you “dump” negative on their shoulders?  Do you show passion for your loved one more than anger?
Peace: Is your home environment filled with peace that speaks of comfort and calmness? Your home should always be their favorite place to be. Life can be hectic, but your home does not have to reflect it, but rather deflect life’s challenges. Your home needs to be a safe haven for your troubled and weary thoughts. A calm harbor in the sea of living.
Patience: Practice patience, especially taming of the tongue. Be diligent in understanding one another and being understood. Improve communication skills together.
Kindness: Bless your mate more in small ways. Encouraging words, sewing that button on for them, making their favorite dessert, etcetera.  Your love is your best friend, so let your actions show it.
Goodness: Know your good qualities but work on your weaker ones. Ask them to share what they see as a growth area for you. Then strive to make positive changes in that area.
Faithfulness: Faithfulness is fueled by commitment. Are you allowing your mate to see the deeper you in intimacy (aka in-to-me-see)?  Commit more time to reaching a deeper level of meaningful conversations and sharing of feelings.
             Faithfulness also involves your time as a couple with God. Marriage has three members: man, woman, and God.  A three-legged stool is stronger than one with only two legs. Allow God into your marriage and you will find your marriage strong enough to weather any storm life throws at you.
Gentleness: Show more compassion and gentleness towards your love’s needs. Complete them in a loving way. If not sure of their “needs”, ask them.
Self- control: Work on bad habits. Define what one’s you need to work on the most, and get started! This is definitely my weakest area of the “fruits of the spirit”. It is easy to slip into a rut and revert back to bad habits. I must diligently focus to stay on track with my goals to overcome bad habits.
            Life certainly has a way of making best intentions fall to the wayside. My actions and words may not always reflect the honor our love deserves, but I do strive more than not to assure John that “we” is my first priority.  Without John, my life would be void, barren, and so lonely. He completes me.
Family Focus
After dinner one evening, clear the table and get out the shaving cream!  It is a lot of fun painting with shaving cream together, no matter what age the kids (or adults).  Then when it is bedtime, you may still smell the shaving cream when you tuck them in. Go ahead and inhale deeply. You just made a special memory and tucked it into your mind and heart.
Week’s Verse
Galatians 5:25
“Since we live by the spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Weekly Recipe
Greek Meatloaf
1 Onion, chopped
2Tbsp. butter
½ cup shredded carrot
½ cup shredded potato
1 small zucchini or eggplant, pared and shredded
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 lbs gd. Beef or a mixture of beef, gd. Turkey or pork
2 eggs
2 med. Tomatoes, diced
1 ½ cups bread crumbs
2 tsp. sea salt
½ tsp. cinnamon
¼ tsp. pepper
4 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 Tbsp. sugar

Sauté onion in butter. Add remaining vegetables (except tomatoes) and garlic; tossing to blend. Cover, cook 5 minutes or till wilted but still crisp.  Combine meat, eggs, tomatoes, bread crumbs, seasonings and half of the lemon juice. Mix well in a large bowl. Add cooked vegetables and blend gently. Form into a loaf, place in a lightly greased baking pan. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Mix remaining lemon juice and the sugar until sugar is dissolved. Brush over loaf. Bake 15 minutes longer.

Weekly Websites  This websites is another great one for couples. Leading experts offer encouragement and help on marriage and family issues from a biblical perspective.
Weekly Book
Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman   This book is a great one to read together.  Dr. Leman even has a question section, chapters for engaged couples, etc.  It will definitely spark interest in the bedroom and conversations for both of you!

Couple Time
Be sure to keep dating!  Did you know there are four types of dates? Traditional- you know, movie and dinner. Spice them up a little and take turns planning them. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean boring dates or ending up at Wal-Mart shopping!
 Extraordinary or esp. memorable- Like a carriage ride, overnight in a hotel, etc. Make sure you do this type at least once a year.
At Home- Farm out the kids, lock the doors, and enjoy! This is not the time to work on house projects!
With another couple- Make sure it is a couple you both like and that are a positive influence.  This type of date can be at home, their home, or out somewhere together.
Now both of you make a list of 25 date ideas, share them and start enjoying date night!

Couple Question!
Define six goals for your marriage.  These goals should include short and long term goals. What steps do you need to take to make the goals a reality?
Concerns & Celebrations
Concern- From C.R.-Please pray for our family. We seem to be drifting farther apart as the kids have grown and started their own families.
  Celebration- Congrats to Clarence and Brooke Vaughn on their new bundle of joy, Jordan!
Celebration- From T.B. – Praise the Lord, I got a job after more than a year of looking!
Concern- I am facing health issues that are really hindering my daily life. Please pray for the doctors to figure out what is going on and that I will get better.
Do you have a concern or celebration to share?  Let me know and I will include it. I keep them anonymous unless you request your name be included.
Kid’s Classics
Gina knew her 4 year old daughter, Amber had to be up to something, as it was way too quiet and even their  big dog ( a Newfoundland) was missing in action.  Gina found them both in the bathroom. Amber had painted the dog with Vaseline! 

Please feel free to share your stories too!

Comments Corner
I would like to share Christmas holiday ideas and traditions over the next few months.  Please send yours to the email listed below and I will include them!
Comments and suggestions are really welcomed here! Let me know what you think or what you would like to share!  E-mail is
Enjoy the first week of October!


Focus Thought

In place of worry, take action.
Taking the Pain Out of Intimacy          
I love my husband. Yet when the gripping tentacles of pain relentlessly attack, I have found it difficult to share a deep intimacy with him. It takes considerable patience, understanding, and commitment from both of us not to allow pain to control how we respond to each other. We are not alone in this dilemma. Eight out of every ten people experience back pain at some time in their lives. An estimated thirty five million Americans are hurting at any given moment. It is estimated that $61.2 billion is lost in productive time in the workforce per year due to pain.
                Sexual intimacy is an integral part of marriage. For many, pain interferes with the sexual relationship, and can lead to mounting challenges to overcome in all aspects of marriage. They may not able to find a comfortable position due to muscle, nerve, or joint pain. Several conditions or previous injuries can make certain positions extremely uncomfortable, or impossible. Medications can also be a factor.  It need not be one of the first things to abandon when one of you is suffering from pain. Even if pain has turned a once exuberant sex life into one plagued by infrequent and anxiety-ridden attempts, don’t give up.
The general health of the relationship plays a vital role in how a couple can overcome the challenges pain can inflict. Couples need support and practical advice to deal with the frustrations and limitations. If other issues were already present before the pain, they must be dealt with first. Injury and pain magnifies what hasn’t yet developed in the relationship. They must come to the deepest intimate level of trust, and share a willingness to experiment new ways to satisfy each other. There is a whole spectrum of pleasuring each other where they can share verbally, emotionally and physically.”
Unfortunately, this is a subject that most couples are reluctant to discuss with their doctors. Or, as we have found from personal experience, doctors tend to have limited advice. I suffered a spinal cord injury sixteen years ago, and found the general medical advice and support offered to us dismal at best. In fact we had to ask, as the subject was never brought up. We were basically told to figure it out on our own, and often it was suggested maybe we should seek counseling. Did they think our desire to enjoy intimacy disappeared with the feeling in my legs?
 Finally we received some information from my at-home physical therapist. She was able to locate a very outdated pamphlet. We embarked on an obscure journey to find information on our own. The facts we found are shocking. According to a survey for the American Academy of Pain Management, back pain accounts for 51% of chronic pain complaints followed by general joint pain. Of the adults surveyed, 61% are women, and 72% have suffered with the pain for more than three years. Twenty eight percent felt pain has had an unfavorable effect on their marriage.  So where can a couple find answers?
The first step is to have a heartfelt and completely honest discussion together in a safe environment. It is by communicating openly with your spouse that you will establish intimacy and a healthy sexual relationship. You must become comfortable sharing together the frustrations and feelings you both experience. There are many ways to give and receive pleasure, no matter what the degree of discomfort or bodily dysfunction exists. With new insight and willingness to explore other avenues of pleasure, you can uncover many ways to attain physical satisfaction.  Share with each other what is and isn’t comfortable. Positions that are not comfortable in your day-to-day activities will not be comfortable during sex either. As you both embark on this journey together, remember that this can be emotionally charged and perhaps frustrating. The emotions evoked can run the gamut from anger to insecurity and guilt. You may find the following suggestions helpful.
Proceed with care and caution at all times. Go slowly and respect the limitations of your body.  Remember, if it hurts, don’t do it.  Deliberate planning is essential. Knowing your body’s best time will enhance your comfort and pleasure. Ask yourself: a) When are my muscles the least painful and my joints not so stiff? B) When am I the least tired? If you are like most people, just before going to sleep at night is the common time to be intimate. However, for most individuals with chronic pain, this may be your worst time. Don’t be afraid to be different! Planning a romantic rendezvous in the afternoon is a wonderful alternative. Keep in mind, when planning, to eliminate as much as possible the demands of your daily life. Let the housework go, find a babysitter, take the phone off the hook. Put the world on hold. The most important thing is to plan time to be with your mate.
Pacing daily activities will often lessen pain and fatigue. Any sexual activity can be made more pleasurable by preceding it with a gentle massage, a warm shower, or bath taken together. Try warming the bed in advance with an electric blanket to add comfort to muscles and joints. Sometimes the application of ice can be beneficial. Focus on your strengths rather than your limitations. Keep an open mind and be willing to try something new. It may end up being very enjoyable, and may even help you avoid pain.
A trip to the library may also be in order. A word of caution, though, be selective in what you choose.  You may find some books offensive or too explicit.
You may also consider consulting your doctor or chiropractor, a pain management therapist and/or a physical therapist.
 Sexual intimacy is more than just intercourse.  Rather, it is a way to show pleasure through both the mind and body. With relaxed attitudes, more open communication and new approaches to enjoy intimacy you can rediscover what you have lost, and also build a better sex life than you had before pain invaded your life.
Family Focus
My oldest grandson (8 years old) and I enjoy a special time together that we call “Thursday Tea Time”.  When he comes home from school we have hot tea served with a cookie and an Andes mint.  We discuss how his week has been going and talk about plans for the coming week. The idea is mainly just to get him to share his feelings in a safe and calm environment.  We both love the “just us” time.   Try the same thing or something similar that you can do with each of your children individually.  They crave it and need it. And it helps build a path for deeper discussions as they grow up.

Week’s Verse
Hebrews 13:5
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Weekly Recipe
Easy Yeast Dough
3 cups warm water
3 pkgs. Dry quick yeast
1 egg, beaten
½ cup sugar
½ cup vegetable oil
1 Tbsp. sea salt
6-7 cups flour
In large bowl sprinkle yeast over water, then mix in remaining ingredients except flour. Add flour till soft ball and a little sticky. Cover, let rise till doubled. Relax dough by gently pushing fist into center of dough. Turn out onto floured surface and gently shape into biscuits, pizza dough or roll out to make cinnamon rolls, etc. Do not knead! Place on lightly greased baking sheet. If biscuits or rolls top with melted butter. Let rise one more time. Bake at 375 degrees for 15- 20 minutes.

Weekly Book
 I highly recommend the book Sex & Back Pain- Advice on Restoring Comfortable Sex Lost to Back Pain by Lauren Andrew Hebert, PT. This book offers excellent practical advice with illustrations and covers emotional and physical issues. Siang-YangTan, Ph.D. offers a strong Christian perspective in Managing Chronic Pain. These two are just a sampling of what you may find available at your local library.
Weekly Websites
There is a multitude of information to be gleaned from the Internet. Google search under chronic pain and sex to get you started. Try,, and to start your own search.

Couple Time
On a clear evening go star gazing together.  Don’t forget the warm drinks and blanket!
Couple Question! Take the time now to discuss as a couple how you have handled times when pain or illness has interfered with your intimacy. Did you handle it in a way that was positive for both of you?  How can you improve for the next time?
Concerns & Celebrations
Concern- Please pray for the Comer family. Their 5 month old son, Garrett is having open heart surgery on Friday.
  Celebration- Congrats to Josh and Jaime Leigh Greene on their new addition, Jocelyn!
Celebration- Happy 19th birthday Kaelani! You are a true gift from God!
Concern- Please pray for everyone who has lost a loved one and are feeling sad at the thought of the coming holidays.  May their coming days be filled with more sweet memories than tears.
Do you have a concern or celebration to share?  Let me know and I will include it. I keep them anonymous unless you request your name be included.
Kid’s Classics
Sarah tossed the warm sheets just out of the dryer onto her bed to fold later, and then went to make lunch.  When she called the kids to eat, 3 year old Jolie couldn’t be found anywhere. Frantically Sarah called her husband home from work and many friends to help find her.   They looked all over the neighborhood. An hour later, Jolie was found sound asleep under the sheets Sarah had taken out of the dryer.
Come on readers, please send your stories!
Comments Corner
From Betty Deguilio:
I buy gingerbread house kits at the end of the Christmas season and store them till after Thanksgiving the following year.  I also buy candy on sale after Halloween.  Then I have an inexpensive project to make with our kids and grandchildren of all ages. The year old house parts don't break as easily as fresh ones do. 
An adult (not necessarily the parent) and a child work together on each house, even with the teenagers.  This started about 6 years ago and it has become a tradition because they enjoyed it so much and asked to do it again each year.  Gingerbread or molasses cookies are a great treat while they are working on their houses.
When the kids take their houses home, it's a memory they keep with them through the rest of the holiday season. I've even seen some still on display into February. We pray they will learn to treasure do things together and loving each other have a greater value than what gifts they want for Christmas.

I would like us to share Christmas holiday ideas and traditions over the next few months.  Please send yours to the email listed below and I will include them!
Comments and suggestions are really welcomed here! Let me know what you think or what you would like to share!  E-mail is
Have a blessed week everyone!


Focus Thought
Judge not whose lives are rich with joy, nor whose are dark with woe; our inner life, its hopes and fears, the world can never know. But be our burdens great or small, God’s grace shall be enough for all.  Louisa May Alcott
Stepping Out In Faith
 We have all dealt with times of struggles or when we wanted something very strongly. You may have even prayed for it earnestly, but did you honestly give it to God?
 In my case, I wanted a baby more than life itself. I knew what I wanted God to do about it, yet we struggled with much pain and loss. Countless times of tears and depression when it was evident there would be no baby, or I became aware of someone else having a child. Instead of feeling joy for them, I felt tremendous anger that it was them and not me.
 We suffered many times with miscarriages, babies born too early to survive, and failed attempts to adopt. Finally after seven years of trying we successfully adopted our first son, yet still I was plagued by emptiness deep within myself.
  At the same time, I became pregnant for the seventh time with problems arising immediately. I spent the entire pregnancy in bed and needed help to care for our son. Three weeks before I gave birth prematurely to a second son, we adopted our first son’s natural sister.
 Now we had three babies in fifteen months and still the emptiness persisted. I hadn’t filled the emptiness because I hadn’t given my desires completely to God. I was in the “I am in control” mode. The desire for another child was so strong that I lied about my past health issues to get a doctor to help. I even lied to my husband about lying to the doctors. Another miscarriage and I was warned not to try again. But I was beyond thinking clearly. I was driven by feelings, not faith. Another failed adoption and all I cared about was having a baby. When I became pregnant with twins, I thought I was finally winning the battle. When we lost both babies, a deep depression crept inside and took hold of my spirit. I couldn’t understand why God had made us suffer so much. Slowly I came to the realization that God hadn’t done it, I had.
 I hadn’t given my desires completely to God. I had tried to control everything. Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.”  Notice that the verse doesn’t say trust the Lord with part of your heart. He wants us to have complete trust.  That can be a difficult lesson for one that is at times strong-willed and focused on one desire.
  Two years later I was facing surgery to remove a malignant tumor. At this time, I finally gave it all to the Lord and even admitted to Him I still had a strong desire to have another baby. I had been told it was impossible. I felt relief and not fear as we prepared for surgery. Much to the shock and surprise to all I was pregnant again with twins.
 1Cor. 2:5 states that your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God. I had finally grown enough in faith to totally give the situation to God. It was very difficult. The doctors were insisting on an abortion, I still had to have the surgery while pregnant; my kidney shut down, toxemia, premature labor, and complete bed rest again. We lost one of the twins. We kept the faith that the outcome was totally up to God, not us or the doctors. The world says “seeing is believing” but faith says “believing is seeing”. Our daughter is now nineteen and in college.
 I came to realize it wasn’t another baby I needed to fill my void. I needed complete faith in God and to allow Him to work through me. With God I have found strength and an awareness of who I am. I have learned personal value goes beyond motherhood and being a wife. God has given each of us unique qualities and if we release our hopes and dreams He will fill them in His time (and way), not ours. God does not use our timetable.
 All of us face times when the storms of life hit us hard. When these times come we need a firm spiritual foundation under us to help support us. Without this foundation our lives can crumble like an unprotected building in a storm.
 Often what we think we want gets tangled in the quagmire of daily living. Give it all to God; He has it sorted out already. Stepping out in faith is believing He has your best interest in mind, no matter what life or Satan throws your way.
 Faith never denies the facts. Faith recognizes God’s integrity and promises. We faced what doctors had deemed a hopeless situation. But “hopeless” is not a Christian word. Faith is absolute trust.  Great faith in our Lord requires humility, obedience, and growth. Our faith should not be measured by what we have achieved, but rather by what we are.  I thank God he has been on this journey with me, and for His amazing patience with me!
Family Focus
Some of our fondest memories are times we helped others in need.  We have volunteered together for a soup kitchen, rode in benefit bike rides, helped with fundraisers, given boxes of food and gifts anonymously, bowl-athons, etc. Consider doing volunteer work as a family for a cause that you really care about.
Week’s Verse
Psalm 37:5
Depend on the Lord, trust him, and he will take care of you.
Weekly Websites
Jennifer Rothschild is the founder of this great website.  

Weekly Recipe
Savory Spanish Rice
2 pkgs. Lipton Spanish rice mix
1 can kidney or black beans
1 can Mexican style tomatoes
2 cups water
½ tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. minced garlic
1 lb. smoked sausage, sliced (or diced cooked chicken)
1 can diced green chilies
1 cup cheddar, shredded

Brown sausage (or chicken) in large skillet. Add remaining ingredients, except cheese. Bring to boil, stirring to mix well. Simmer until liquid is absorbed, about 15 minutes. Top with cheese before serving.

Weekly Book
Daily Marriage Builders for Couples by Fred and Florence Littauer  
 This book is a devotional to work through together in just ten minutes a day. You will discover new ways to laugh together while gathering tips to communicate without conflict. This is an older book but well worth looking for it.
Couple Time
Cheap Date Night! Plan a date that costs $10 or less. How much fun and how memorable can you make it?
Couple Question!
Is there an area in your life that you haven’t completely trusted God to handle?
Concerns & Celebrations
Do you have a concern or celebration to share?  Let me know and I will include it. I keep them anonymous unless you request your name be included.
Kid’s Classics
Come on readers, please send your stories!
Comments Corner
I would like us to share Christmas holiday ideas and traditions over the next few months.  Please send yours to the email listed below and I will include them!
Comments and suggestions are really welcomed here! Let me know what you think or what you would like to share!  Leave comments here or my e-mail is

Thank You Kaelani for all the help getting the blog working!  Love you bunches Twinkle Toes!
Have a blessed week everyone!