Thursday, October 28, 2010

Focus Thought

The failure to distinguish between knowledge and wisdom is a common error.
Seven Focus Thoughts
 Several years ago I came up with the grand idea of focusing on one main thought per day of the week.  The assumption was that each day I would allow this focus thought to lead me in my choices on that given day. Sounded like a great idea, but life has a way of turning grand ideas into misguided and confusing “tidbits” that are often forgotten in the realm of reality.
I had proudly printed the Focus Thoughts onto a magnet and placed it among the overflowing memorabilia already taking up residence on our refrigerator front.
And I did “focus” on them diligently, well at least for a few months anyway. Then somehow the focus thoughts became occasional thoughts when I would glance at them once in awhile amid the myriad of outdated notes, phone numbers, pictures and everything else that ends up on the giant family billboard (aka fridge).
But then one day I realized that I wasn’t just happening to glance at the focus list. I was looking and searching for the one I needed the most for where I was at in my walk of faith. The time I spent grasping one focus thought had a lot to do with what was going on in our lives. 
And that is how it always seems to be.  We want our lives in nice organized little snippets of time and order.  But God doesn’t. If our lives always went the way we planned, why would we need to drop to our knees and humbly seek answers from our Father?
I admit to having strong tendencies toward being an organizing idiot. My family believes I struggle with OCD. Of course they think in my case it is more CDO as I insist on everything being in alphabetical order. Needless to say, I don’t always get my way. God plans always seem to differ from mine. 
But I have found the focus thoughts have been a big help to me, albeit not quite the way I had intended.  So now instead of a “daily” thought, they are more a “guiding” thought. They help me to stay focused on God, not the challenges. And they now have a more prominent, more accessible position on the family fridge billboard. Now they are right near the handle! 
1.      God will take care of all things beyond my control.
2.      Receive unexpected gifts a day brings.
3.      Listen for God’s wisdom in every situation.
4.      Look for the lesson.
5.      Be flexible.
6.      God works all things together for good to those who love Him.
7.      Each person I meet, God has sent into my life.

Family Focus
As you start planning for the coming holidays, try to set aside times to re-connect as a family in fun ways.  Ask everyone for their input on what they would like to do as a family.

Week’s Verse
Psalm 33:5
The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
Weekly Website
This website is a wonderful organizing tool for busy families. It can help simplify your life calendar, tips, lists, journal, and mobile access. I love the reminder pop-ups and the family journaling that you can share with family and friends.

Weekly Recipe
El Dorado
1 bag tortilla chips
1 lb. gd. Beef
1 med. Onion, chopped
1 tsp. minced garlic
½ pkg. taco seasoning
2 8oz. cans tomato sauce
1 cup ricotta
1 cup sour cream
1 can sliced olives
1 can diced green chilies
2 cups grated cheddar

Brown beef; drain. Add onion, garlic, taco seasoning, and tomato sauce. Mix well, simmer 10 minutes. In bowl mix together ricotta, sour cream, olives, and green chilies. Crush tortilla chips and place in bottom of greased casserole dish. Leave about ½ cup of crushed chips for top of casserole. Top with meat mixture, ricotta mixture, and then cheese. Top with remaining crushed chips. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes. Top with shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes if desired before serving.
Weekly Book
The Household Money Organizer by Revell Books
This is a wonderful budgeting (nasty word to some) tool from a Christian perspective.  Not only does it have monthly pockets, it also has a monthly article pertaining to finances, places to write monthly goals, and inspiring scripture verses. This book can be very helpful.

Couple Time
Remember the list of date ideas from a few weeks ago?  Pick one you would like to do but with this little twist.  Involve at least 5 aspects of the date with items starting with the first letter of your last name. For example in our case we might use something French, frozen yogurt, fooling around, etc. you get the idea!
Couple Question!
Share a Halloween memory from your childhood. Talk about how it made you feel.
Concerns & Celebrations
Concern-  We lost our beloved dog this weekend. She was 17, and our remaining dog is very sad.  He refuses to eat.
 Celebration- We are having twins! They are due on Feb. 3rd. JR
Concern- Waiting on biopsy results and praying that cancer has not returned.
Do you have a concern or celebration to share?  Let me know and I will include it. I keep them anonymous unless you request your name be included.
Kid’s Classics
 When our granddaughter was two, she was learning to color. One day she found a black permanent marker and proceeded to color her parents white Egyptian sheets.  Guess she thought it was to be her masterpiece!
Holiday Traditions
One of our favorite Christmas traditions is the Jesus Stocking.
This is a very special Christmas stocking for Jesus. You can make one or purchase one to add the following items to it.

Three stars represent the three wise men and the trinity. An angel is of course the one that spoke to Mary, Joseph and the shepherds. Three diagonal rows of ribbon represent the past, present and future with God in our lives. And four roses are for each week of Advent.

 The idea is to fill the stocking with prayers and thoughts of what Christmas means to you, your loved ones, and guests to your home during the holiday season.

 Hang the stocking up on Thanksgiving Day. Then all family members and guests put folded notes of prayer requests or Christmas thoughts into the stocking. They are usually anonymous, but can be signed if desired.
 On Christmas Eve, gather the family together to read the story of the Savior’s birth; light the candle and say a blessing. Then pass out the folded notes and take turns reading them out loud. When all the notes have been read, everyone shares in a round table prayer for what has been shared. Then sing Silent Night or a family favorite Christmas carol. The youngest child usually blows out the candle.
When the stocking is brought out the following Thanksgiving; read the notes again to see how God has answered the prayers. The prayer notes can then be kept with other Christmas mementos if desired. It is great to look back at them again from time to time.
This is a wonderful way to keep focused on Jesus instead of the material aspects of the season. It also serves as an excellent way to show children that God does answer our   prayers.
Comments Corner
I would like us to share Christmas holiday ideas and traditions over the next few months.  Please send yours to the email listed below and I will include them!

Comments and suggestions are welcomed here! Let me know what you think or what you would like to share!  E-mail is
Have a blessed week everyone!

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